Master grants
The Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics is receiving numerous applications from foreign master students for an internship in the Paris laboratories in order to benefit from the excellent scientific environment and learn about research methodology. For the last three years, the Centre introduced a program of visits to welcome some of the best students.
The scholarships granted by the Endowment Fund amounting to 6000 euros each allow students of all origins and nationalities to be accommodated over several months.
Donations received by the Endowment Fund make it possible to finance the expenses of stay and travel, especially for foreign students, as well as the management and research costs related to the realization of their internship project.
Scholarships are awarded by the Fund on presentation of candidates by laboratories.
Doctoral grants
About ten doctoral theses are defended each year in the AstroParticle and Cosmology laboratory of Paris Diderot University, about four times more in all the laboratories associated with the Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics. Detection of gravitational waves with the Virgo interferometer, search for dark matter, origin of cosmic rays, large survey of galaxies with the Euclid space mission… There are numerous research fields which attract excellent students.
The Endowment Fund grants doctoral scholarships amounting to 130,000 euros for a three year Ph.D.
Donations received by the Endowment Fund make it possible to finance the salary of PhD students as well as the management and research costs (equipment, consumables, travel expenses …) necessary to the realization of their thesis.
Scholarships are granted by the Fund on presentation of candidates by the PCCP. The thesis is then prepared in one of the associated laboratories, and the student is an active member of PCCP for the duration of his/her thesis.
Post-doctoral grants
The Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics introduced an annual program of post-doctoral grants called « PCCP fellowships ». Each year, more than 150 young researchers apply to this program.
Research themes are those covered by the Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics, from cosmology to gravitation. The « PCCP fellowship » program has reached international recognition and attracts yearly some of the best prospective postdocs. PCCP fellows are essential to Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics: they actively participate in the scientific animation of the Center and they profit from its international prestige to boost their own career.
The Endowment Fund grants post-doctoral scholarships amounts to 150,000 euros for two years. Donations received by the Endowment Fund allow financing the post-doc salary of and the management and research costs (equipment, consumables, travel expenses …) necessary to carry out the research.
Scholarships are granted by the Fund on presentation of candidates by the laboratories.