
The RFPU Endowment Fund supports all of its actions thanks to the kind contribution of our partners and individual donors.

Join us and donate now!



Find out more about our actions in the RFPU leaflet (in French)

If you are wishing to make a significant donation to our activities or to a specific project, here is a list of our actions:


Art and Science

Adrien Tinchi Significant Others

You are passionate about science AND art and you are convinced that both can learn from each other? Support the art and science residency programme at the centre Cosmos, sciences and societies (more details at this page)


Science and society

The RFPU Endowment Fund carries on a longstanding commitment towards education and outreach, promoting the idea of a science embedded in society and actively contributing to pressing societal issues, like social justice, inclusion, and the climate crisis. Join us in supporting the actions of the centre Cosmos, sciences and societies to promote diversity and inclusion in science (gender equality, socio-economic inclusion, climate justice… our actions here and here).


Let’s meet!

If you wish to share your passion with the members of your circle, meet us!

Antoine Kouchner and Matteo Barsuglia will be happy to share their passion for the science of the Universe.

According to the format that suits you best, they can guide you though an overview of the latest discoveries, make you travel to the heart of the Universe or uncover for you the secrets of a space mission.


Support research

If you believe that future innovation starts from today’s research, support our research at the Astroparticle and cosmology laboratory!

    • Sponsor a student in Master 2 internship at APC.
    • Finance a PhD thesis in the sciences of the Universe.
    • Support the research work of a post-PhD fellow over two years.
    • Sponsor scientific conferences.
    • Contribute to the research activities at APC.

    If you wish to meet us to discuss how to support our actions, contact us.


Join our major donors :